Do Americans Not Care About The Russian Collusion Theory?


According to reports from The Hill, 79% of President Trump’s supporters believe he should remain in the White House even if the Russian collusion theory is proven.

Feedback from Trump Supporters

Similarly to the 79%, 75% of Trump supporters view Russian collusion allegations as inaccurate and groundless. Trump supporters have also noted that while the investigation into theorized Russian collusion has been ongoing for months, there is still no existing evidence.

Conversely, 7% of the President’s supporters believe his team colluded with Russia to influence the results of the election.

Controversy Surrounding Theorized Russian Collusion

Debates about whether or not Russia played a role in President Trump’s victory have ceaselessly persisted for months. In most cases, progressives assert Russia’s involvement, often noting mainstream media polls which claimed Clinton would beat Trump. Conversely, conservatives state that promotion of Russian collusion in last year’s election is merely a case of political sour grapes.