Andrew Tate, Tristan Tate Each Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges


Much of the internet is familiar with former kickboxer Andrew Tate, 36. Tate has made a name for himself by unleashing an untold amount of misogynistic comments about women.

This comes along with his suspected multi-level marketing scheme known as Hustler’s University. Hustler’s University is supposedly designed to help young men get rich for just $49.99 per month.

However, most troubling to many folks are Tate’s statements about women. He’s spoken about “force pimping” women, called women the property of men, and referred to women as “barely sentient.”

However, on Thursday, news broke that both Tate and his younger brother, Tristan Tate, 34, were arrested by Romania authorities on human trafficking charges.

What to know about the arrest of Andrew Tate

According to prosecutors, both Tate brothers stand as suspects in a human trafficking probe. Tate and his brother are likewise believed to have involvement in various rapes and a crime ring involving the sexual abuse of women.