Anonymous hacktivist group declares cyberwar on Russia


Later the hacker group claimed it targeted the Russia Today (RT) website. And the Russian-state-controlled international television network was knocked offline temporarily. And it returned later without images. Eventually, RT broadcasting returned to normal.

 RT has been criticized for putting out “propaganda” against Ukraine. Recently the UK government requested the media regulator to review its output.

Anonymous hacktivist prompts DDoS attack

“After the statement by Anonymous, RT’s websites became the subject of a massive DDoS attack from an estimated 100 million devices, mostly based in the US”, RT told The Independent in a statement.

“Due to the hack, there were temporary website access limitations for some users, yet RT promptly resolved these issues.”

The strategy of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is to overwhelm websites with junk traffic from a large number of devices. 

DDoS attacks hit websites of Ukraine’s defense, foreign, and interior ministries ahead of Russia’s invasion. And Russia is suspected of the hack attacks.