Towards the end of last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin swiftly moved in against Ukraine with strikes, soldiers, and various other forays. The autocrat’s onslaught is very much designed to take control of Ukraine and expand his own personal power.
For what it’s worth, Ukrainians are fighting back. There have been viral incidents of Ukrainian soldiers standing up to threats from Russia and otherwise refusing to surrender as they’ve been called to do.
Never underestimate the #ukrainian people. Never underestimate the #UkrainianArmy It is not good for the soliders. And it is frustrating for both parts. But the #ukrainiansoldiers will win. Captured #Russian #solider #FreeUkraine now
— Ukraineinpictures (@UkrainePicture) February 27, 2022
In light of recent developments, there is a possibility that Ukraine could withstand this storm and actually win against Russia. During this weekend alone, word of Putin’s reported frustration with the lack of progress on the end of his soldiers has already made headlines.
However, what everyone needs to understand is this: Putin’s war crimes are directly tethered to US President Joe Biden’s weakness on foreign policy. This weakness is not without serious consequences and a potential domino effect of disasters.
How Biden’s weakness aroused Putin’s evil
The Russian president, along with other world leaders, observed Biden’s terrible management of Afghanistan in 2021. Putin watched Biden take out American troops before first ensuring the safety of US citizens, along with Afghan allies of the US.