Apple approves temporary moratorium on fees for Facebook plan for online events


“The App Store provides a great business opportunity for all developers, who use it to reach half a billion visitors each week across 175 countries. To ensure every developer can create and grow a successful business, Apple maintains a clear, consistent set of guidelines that apply equally to everyone,” according to the Cupertino-based tech giant in a statement.

Apple vs. Facebook 

On the other hand, Facebook spokesperson Joe Osborne said, “This is a difficult time for small businesses and creators, which is why we are not collecting any fees from paid online events while communities remain closed for the pandemic.”

“Apple has agreed to provide a brief, three-month respite after which struggling businesses will have to, yet again, pay Apple the full 30% App Store tax.”

Facebook executives have become increasingly critical over Apple’s App Store rules, saying the company has a monopoly over how apps work across over an estimated one billion devices in use.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly said in an August all-hands meeting that Apple has “this unique stranglehold as a gatekeeper on what gets on phones” and that the company charges “monopoly rents” to app makers.

Apple vs. Microsoft and Google

Apple has blocked Google and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) from launching new streaming video game services on the App Store. It is arguing that each game should be submitted individually for a fee. Microsoft and Google want their consumers to be allowed to stream a library of console games through one app to a device.