Attorneys Timothy Ducar & Margie Hauf Accused of Naming “Fake” Defendants in Federal Court


According to Oesterblad, without his name listed, there would be no way for service to be attempted or properly executed. Although he was listed as the sole “defendant,” there was no address provided.  It would be “ludicrous for Ellis to claim after our years of litigation that he did not have contact information he could provide his attorneys,” Oesterblad told USA Herald.

Why Did Oesterblad File with the Arizona Federal Court?

Since Oesterblad was the defendant in a case filed in Nevada, why did he file a lawsuit in Arizona?

According to Oesterblad, he filed in Arizona was to document the alleged  “fraudulent” filing and abuse of process in what was, in his opinion, a clear case of David Ellis utilizing Oesterblad’s name as a “fake” Defendant.

Does David Ellis Have a Connection to the Kelly/Warner Law Firm?

In a separate matter before the Arizona Superior Court, there are allegations against alleged the Kelly/Warner Law firm “ex-employee” Barri Grossman. Those claims and allegations are directly associated with work duties involving the firm’s websites and its online postings.