Arizona Bar Places Aaron Kelly & Daniel Warner on 2 Years Probation


According to sources, the Arizona Bar is aware of the situation and will determine what if any action is necessary in the near future.

Additionally, sources have confirmed that the South Carolina AG dropped the cease & desist action against Aaron Kelly’s business for jurisdiction purposes only.   Apparently the investors that Shipchain provided to the AGs office were not located in South Carolina, hence no nexus.

It has also been confirmed through sources that multiple government agencies are investigating Shipchain and its officers for possible securities violations.   More to come on this in a follow-up story.

Indeed, the good guys won, that is of course the Arizona Bar & the entire legal system.   Until August of 2020 both Aaron Kelly and Daniel Warner will be on probation with the Arizona Bar.  Admonished by their peers and placed in State Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Program (LOMAP), any further infraction is akin to the sun coming up for these lawyers standing on thin ice.

Daniel Mendoza

Glad to hear made a difference : )

Jim Samuel

Looking out for each other