Arizona Bar Places Aaron Kelly & Daniel Warner on 2 Years Probation


Accused of very serious allegations of fraud on multiple courts, Attorney Aaron Kelly and Daniel Warner faced possible disbarment for the following accusations made by the Arizona Bar:

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As first time offenders, the Arizona Bar accepted a plea bargain to reduced charges in lieu of trial, placing both Warner and Kelly on probation until August of 2020.   Additionally both lawyers received formal admonishment and are forced to participate for the next 24 months in the State Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Program (LOMAP).

“The allegations in the complaint are troubling and raise multiple concerns” stated the bar in the plea bargain.   Fake notarizations; non-existant defendants across multiple cases; forged signatures…indeed, very disturbing to say the least.

Daniel Mendoza

Glad to hear made a difference : )

Jim Samuel

Looking out for each other