Biden Plan Creates Long Term Government Expansion

President-elect Joe Biden - Getty Images

President-elect Joe Biden unveiled his first major plan that he will push for legislation within the days after his inauguration.  His proposal is a $1.9 trillion dollar package that is being sold as a means to combat COVID-19, provide economic stimulus, and give Americans much-needed relief.

Some of Biden’s proposals are necessary and include more than a few of the red-lined revisions by President Donald J. Trump in the previous stimulus package that were denied. However, another slew of old Democratic ‘wish list’ items is being included in his $1.9 trillion COVID relief plan.  Yet again, holding the public hostage in the long term.

As Obama Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel stated time and time again, “never let a crisis go to waste”.

Despite investing a paltry $160 billion in the national vaccination program and related health policies to stem the pandemic, this less than 10% amount won’t nearly provide relief to the public or provide the much-needed supplies to first responders and medical professionals.