The president didn’t just announce this new mandate that is facing wide condemnation as illegal and unconstitutional. Biden also made it a point to attack Americans who are without the COVID vaccine. Per the president, he “understands” why vaccinated Americans are frustrated with their unvaccinated counterparts.
Biden likewise declared that patience with the unvaccinated is thinning out; this came before the president moved to insulting and threatening Republican governors. Biden expressly stated that if Republican governors don’t do what he wants them to do, he’ll use his presidential power to get GOP governors out of the way.
Strong pushback against Biden’s mandate
Across the country, Republicans have vowed to fight back against this COVID vaccine mandate Biden’s seeking to impose upon private businesses nationwide. The Republican National Committee, for instance, announced their decision to sue Biden after his mandate goes into practice.
Republican governors have furthermore declared their plans to sue Biden as well. Governors Kemp, McMaster, Noem, DeSantis, Abbott, Ivey, and others announced they won’t let Washington bureaucrats dominate what happens to state residents.