Biden’s Promised “Winter of Severe Illness and Death” Has Passed


However, the COVID vaccines Biden’s tried to force upon the nation haven’t stopped his press secretary, Jen Psaki, from now twice testing positive for the virus and experiencing symptoms.

Former President Obama, Biden’s ex-boss, also recently announced that he’s tested positive for COVID and experienced symptoms.

Refusing to take COVID vaccines is not an automatic death sentence. Likewise, taking COVID vaccines doesn’t guarantee anything either.

When fear-mongering falls flat

Across the board, Americans have tired of hearing that the world will end if they don’t follow never-ending, moving goalposts.

From masks, COVID vaccines, COVID boosters, etc., somehow, there’s always one more carrot dangled in front of everyone. There’s always one more thing people are told needs to happen to ensure COVID remains at bay.

Already, infectious diseases official Anthony Fauci is claiming Americans need to show “flexibility” towards reinstating COVID restrictions. People are sick of it and not standing for it any longer.