Britney Spears’ Attorney says her Dad is a disgrace


“In a normal situation, a normal person would never have to show their estate plan,” said an attorney for John Zabel, a CPA who was hired by Britney to review her finances. There were many objections from Britney’s side.

It has been reported that Jamie’s attorney told the court at one point: “I propose that we behave like grown-ups.”

It looks like the world-famous entertainer now has a team that is working on her behalf. And they are circling the wagons trying to keep her Dad away from Britney’s estate.


Britney Spears attorney has another win

After the December 8th hearing Britney’s attorney Mathew Rosengart appeared outside the Stanley Mosk courthouse. 

“Jamie Spears was noticed by myself and my law firm, meaning we served papers for his deposition. He did not show up for his deposition the first time. He did not appear for his deposition the second time. So he has not yet been deposed but he will be deposed in this case and I look forward to taking his deposition.”