Disapproval of the US Supreme Court Remains High: POLL


The United States Supreme Court is designed to protect and interpret the Constitution while also confirming equal justice for all Americans under the law. As the highest court in the land, SCOTUS even has the power to overrule decisions of lower courts.

In spite of this, many Americans aren’t thrilled with various rulings made by the current justices. With a 6-3 conservative majority, some people are even claiming the far right “hijacked” the Supreme Court before our eyes.

Democrats with these concerns are therefore rallying for different reforms they perceive as beneficial. Among them are expanding the court and implementing term limits for justices.

Earlier today, a recent study from Marquette showed more than half of Americans ultimately disapprove of SCOTUS.

What the country really thinks about the United States Supreme Court

The poll’s findings show 57% of the American people don’t approve of the nation’s most powerful court.

By the same token, more than half of the country sees politics as the motivating factor driving the rulings from justices. Conversely, just 43% told Marquette that they believe SCOTUS prioritizes the law when issuing rulings.