Fauci says achieving herd immunity requires “some humility,” higher rate of population must be vaccinated


Since the pandemic reached the U.S. in March 2020, many epidemiologists and even the World Health Organization (WHO) suggested that 60 to 70 percent population should be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.

However, Dr. Marc Lipsitch, a pro

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fessor of epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said that we can defang the virus sooner if the most vulnerable people get vaccinated.

“We don’t have to have zero transmission in order to have a decent society. We have lots of diseases, like flu, transmitting all the time, and we don’t shut down society for that. If we can vaccinate almost all the people who are most at risk of severe outcomes, then this would become a milder disease,”  Dr. Lipsitch.

Thankfully, scientists say the new covid-19 variant can’t resist the vaccine and we might not need to wait for a long-time before this nightmare ends.


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