FBI Vetting National Guard Troops Amid Fears of Insider Attack During Biden Inauguration


The Chief of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel R. Hokanson, is meeting troops as they arrive in Washington D.C. He also meets them as they assemble at downtown.

According to Gen. Hokanson, If there’s any indication that any of our soldiers or airmen are expressing things that are extremist views, it’s either handed over to law enforcement or dealt with the chain of command immediately.”

The peaceful transition of power is a “national priority”

The Secret Service is in charge of the security of the inauguration. However, the military and law enforcement agencies including the National Guard, the FBI, the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Capitol Police, and the U.S. Park Police are involved to ensure the security of the Biden inauguration on Wednesday.

McCarthy emphasized that their objective is to make sure a peaceful transition of power to President-elect Biden.

This is a national priority. We have to be successful as an institution. We want to send the message to everyone in the United States and for the rest of the world that we can do this safely and peacefully,” said McCarthy.