These days, it’s pretty standard for folks to crack open a soda can and enjoy a good drink. Whether at a barbeque, in an airport, or even while eating a home-cooked meal, many people like to consume various sodas.
Of course, one issue with sodas is the health aspect. Because these drinks tend to be packed with lots of sugars and sweeteners, ingesting them in moderation is generally advisable.
Yet, there may be greater problems with sodas beyond their lack of nutritious value and high volume of sugar. Breaking news now reveals that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appears set to slap a ban on one common ingredient found in these beverages.
Here’s what’s going on
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is typically used to keep the flavors of sodas evenly distributed, rather than having them rise to the top of the drink. Without BVO, sodas wouldn’t be as favored as they are today.
However, in the aftermath of California banning this ingredient just last month, the FDA may follow suit. California’s decision arrived after scientific research connected BVO to thyroid problems and excessive bromine accumulation.