First Lady Melania Trump Speaks Out Against Childhood Bullying


She then tied in social media usage and its impact on children and bullying:

We must turn our focus right now to the message and content [children] are exposed to on a daily basis through social media — the bullying, the experience online and in person.

Feedback From Critics and More

Unsurprisingly, critics came out in droves after hearing the First Lady’s speech. They admonished her, asserting that her husband, President Trump is a bully himself. Firstly, this simply isn’t true. The President speaks his mind. Likewise, when attacked, he hits back. This does not make him a bully. It makes him a strong leader who defends himself, which many people respect about him.

Melania Trump’s speech truly touched on some important points. Instilling the appropriate values into the future generation is critical for the prosperity of this great nation. Likewise, bullying, especially via social media, has very harmful impacts and requires collective combatting. The First Lady’s message transcends partisan and party lines. Whether you are liberal, centrist, libertarian, or conservative, we should all agree that childhood bullying must end.