FTC to Issue Refunds to Consumers Deceived by Bobby Robinson Work-at-Home Scheme

FTC to send refunds to victims of credit card billing scam

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it will be sending refunds to consumers who were victims of work-at-home scheme by Bobby Robinson, LLC and related defendants.

According to the FTC, it is sending checks to totaling almost $1.1 million to 87,256 consumers who bought an online system based on a false promise that they will earn thousands of dollars working from home.

In August 2017, the Commission filed a complaint against Bob Robinson LLC, which operated a work-from-home scheme under different brand names includin Work At Home EDU, Work At Home Program, Work At Home Ecademy, Work At Home University, Work At Home Revenue, and Work at Home Institute.

The Other defendants in the case include Bobby J. Robinson, Michael Sirois, Mega Export 2005, Mega Export USA, and Netcore Solutions.

Defendants made false claims about their work-at-home scheme

The Commission accused the defendants of violating the FTC Act and the Business Opportunity Rule, which requires entities to make certain disclosures to help consumers evaluate the business opportunity they are selling. Instead of following the rule, the defendants allegedly made false and unsubstantiated claims.