Gov. Newsom Proposes $25M Budget for Groups Helping Asylum Seekers

California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to expand paid family leave to six months

California Governor Gavin Newsom is proposing $25 million funding for an Immigration Rapid Response Program to help organizations providing services to asylum seekers.

On Thursday, Newsom met with local officials, community and nonprofit organization leaders in San Diego regarding his administration’s efforts to provide humanitarian aid. He told them that the state will not waver in providing support for immigrants fleeing violence from their home countries.

Newsom says federal government abandons it s moral responsibility 

According to the governor, “California is a state of refuge. Instead of resurrecting a wall or grinding the asylum review process to a halt, our country should be allowing asylum seekers the ability to make their case.”

In addition, Newsom noted that California  local leaders and nonprofit organizations are stepping up to help immigrants seeking refuge in the country.  He slammed the federal government for creating a “manufactured humanitarian crisis” and abdicating its “moral responsibility.”