Grow Your Business with Positive Principles


Taking Responsibility is Hard Work

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Mistakes happen. That’s a simple fact. Convincing employees to own up to them, even if they’re big ones, isn’t an easy task. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.

Businesses that encourage a culture where mistakes are recognized as bumps in the road instead of identifying them as terminal illnesses have a greater chance of success. That’s one of the fundamental parts of my message when a business invites me to speak to its employees. I’ve experienced first-hand both the highs and lows of the business world.

It’s hard work taking responsibility for your own actions. It can be stressful for both the employee and his/her superior, but the opportunity to learn and grow from that experience shouldn’t be over looked. I firmly believe that a business that’s not afraid to embrace mistakes has a greater chance of success in the end.

Creating a Strong Foundation

By accepting mistakes as part of the growth process of a business, managers create a strong foundation for future success. It’s also important to provide employees with the tools they need to succeed. Proper training and growth opportunities are essential in any good business. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google have always embraced this philosophy and it’s one of the main reasons they’re so far ahead of the competition.