Harris Pulls Ahead of Trump in Battleground States


In every presidential election, battleground states are major players. States like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, and Wisconsin continuously wield the power to determine the outcome of the general races.

Generally, presidential contenders on both sides of the aisle work to be as competitive as possible in battleground states. This often looks like rallying in these communities and putting extra resources into ad campaigns to reach voters. Presidential nominees may also select running mates who hail from a battleground state and can pull in extra votes.

All signs indicate that this year’s battle between Harris and Trump is going to come down to the wire. Today, a poll from Bloomberg News and Morning Consult has the vice president ahead in several of these key battleground states.

Breaking down the numbers

The vice president carries 48% to Trump’s 47% across battleground states. Though when reviewing the one-on-one races, the numbers appear as follows…

In Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona, Harris leads the former president by 2%. Though in Michigan, her lead over Trump jumps to 11%. Both candidates currently remain deadlocked in Georgia at 47% each. Then, in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, the former president is ahead of Harris by 4% and 2%.