How Come Walgreens Took a Month to Take Down a Swastika on Their Property?


When I told Madison about this he mentioned Senior Lead Officers. If citizens or a community are concerned about a safety issue these officers in their area can help. They are responsible for certain areas of divisions, so people can get to know their local officers and speak with them about their concerns.

“Antisemitic incidents in the US surged 57% in 2017, the Anti-Defamation League said on Tuesday, the largest year-on-year increase since the Jewish civil rights group began collecting data in 1979.

Close to 2,000 cases of harassment, vandalism and physical assault were recorded, the highest number of antisemitic incidents since 1994, it said.” — The Guardian, February 27, 2018

With a sharp rise in antisemitism since the Trump administration, I sought the Simon Wiesenthal Center for some insight into this incident. They had the following statement:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center thanks Walgreens for removing the swastika etched on its walls, though it should have been done earlier. We especially commend the concerned citizen who reacted to the swastika, and whose activism resulted in the removal of this symbol of hate.