Humana has filed suit against St. Jude Medical, LLC and parent company Abbott Laboratories over faulty pacemakers once again after Abbott Laboratories escaped liability in previous suits.
In July 2019 Humana, Inc. sued St. Jude Medical LLC and it’s parent company Abbott Laboratories. Humana claims that St. Jude Medical knew that its pacemakers and other cardiac devices were defective, yet hid the information from the Health insurer and the public for 4 years.
Humana claimed that St. Jude Medical knew as early as 2011 that batteries in its cardiac devices could potentially drain and lose their charge, which posed a risk to the health and life of patients.
“Defendants’ faulty devices and delay reporting of those faults not only put these patients at grave risk from the faulty devices themselves, but it also caused a substantial number of those patients to require defective or at-risk devices to be surgically removed from their chests,” Humana alleged in its lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.