We ultimately decide how we will work and seek education. Technology, while a significant contributing factor, comes secondary to our ability to choose how we wish to live our lives. It may be easy to forget, but technology is merely a tool designed to make our lives more convenient. Tools such as the International Career Institute, Upwork, and Doordash can be beneficial to building the most most convenience in our lives.
Whether we allow this convenience to swallow our humanity and make us into mindless, soulless robots remains to be seen. The more likely scenario is that technological innovations will continue to make our lives increasingly more convenient, providing humankind with endless possibilities.
Editors Note: The Gig Economy has created a true meritocracy where reviews left by users affect the trajectory of careers and companies alike. On Upwork each freelancer is rated and based on that rating the amount they are paid goes up or down, along with the amount of work.
Same thing goes for platforms such at the International Career Institute, e.g. https://www.hotcoursesabroad.com/india/australia/school-college-university/international-career-institute/117857/international.html. Where people have a voice, companies and people are held accountable, which in the end results in a better world.