Are Liberals Hi-Jacking Higher Learning?


Imagine you go to a job interview.  You are impeccably dressed, confident, you have a glowing resume with recommendations and references.  The interview is going quite well.  Then the interviewer asks a question you aren’t prepared to hear much les answer.  He asks with which religion you are affiliated with. Strange, you think to yourself, but you aren’t ashamed of your religion so what could it hurt to answer. You tell him you are a Christian.  He leans back in his desk chair for a moment, and then he asks another very personal question asks with which political party do you affiliate yourself.  He then grimaces while waiting for you to answer.

When you open your mouth to say something he interrupts and says, “Let me guess, you’re conservative.” You are really stunned at this point but manage to tell him that you are Republican but largely vote on the issues and that you like to consider yourself educated, fair and civic minded man.

He then stands, indicating you do the same. It is obvious to you that the interview is over.  You extend your hand for a handshake just as any gentleman would and he refuses, choosing to walk toward the door instead. On the way out he says, “I don’t think you’re quite the right fit for the position here.” Sound Orwellian? Or like 1960’s racism?

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Elizabeth Walker
Elizabeth Walker grew up in the Foothills of North Carolina. She loved bird hunting with her daddy, shooting guns, and riding anything that would go fast. She doesn't remember a time when she couldn't read. She attended college in her hometown and Asheville. She's also a sucker for homeless animals and lives with a menagerie of them as well as her husband. Between political and philosophical rants she enjoys peace and quiet and listening to punk rock music .