Attorney Mashel states in the complaint that “Specifically, defendant Lyft has retained a larger portion of the passenger fare than they promised they would retain…” Lyft recently filed a motion to dismiss that, at the time of this article’s publication, hadn’t been ruled upon.
This Isn’t Lyft’s First Legal Rodeo
This isn’t the first time Lyft has been sued. In 2017, a judge approved a settlement of $27 million for a previous class action lawsuit filed by drivers who alleged that they should be classified as employees and entitled to reimbursement pay for expenses. The settlement held that drivers would remain independent contractors.
Lyft was also sued over an allegation that one of their drivers raped a woman. The victim, unnamed, sued Lyft for failing to properly supervise and train drivers, negligent hiring, and misrepresentation as a taxi service. The victim stated in her lawsuit that was “viciously and brutally raped” by a driver named Enrique Godoy, also named in the lawsuit.