Michael Cohen’s Attorney Weighs in on Trump Presidency


On Sunday, Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen’s attorney, weighed in on the impact which his client is having on the Trump Presidency.

An Overview of Davis’ Statements

During an interview with MSNBC, Davis shared the following thoughts about Cohen’s impact on Trump:

“This pattern of incessant attacks on my client and his family show what the American people have already witnessed: that Donald Trump sees Michael Cohen, and I would say justifiably, as the greatest threat to his presidency and what could be criminal and impeachable actions.”

Davis also accused Trump of going after Cohen’s father-in-law.

“I and most Americans have no idea about what Trump is fantasizing about in demonizing the father-in-law of Cohen.”

The president previously stated that Cohen ought to “give information on his father-in-law.” This remark came after Trump stated that Cohen engaged in lies for the sake of reducing his legal issues.

Cohen’s Conduct During the Trump Presidency

For many years, Michael Cohen served as the attorney and personal “fixer” of Donald Trump. However, this dynamic has permanently shifted for the whole nation to see. As Cohen’s legal issues mounted, he implicated President Trump in various wrongdoings. Trump, for his part, has denied accusations of instructing Cohen to break the law. The president furthermore stated that, as an attorney, Cohen had the responsibility of knowing the law.