Euthanasia is a quite controversial medical practice around the world that tends to inspire passionate viewpoints and heated conversations. Very rarely do people lack an opinion or intense feelings about assisted suicide.
Some people believe ending one’s own life, even in the face of a painful terminal illness, is wrong no matter the circumstances. Though others argue that the decision to embrace or reject euthanasia should remain between each person and their doctor.
The laws on euthanasia vary across different nations and are constantly evolving. In some countries, including Columbia, Spain, and Australia, it remains legal. Yet, here in the United States, a recent poll reveals most people believe in legalizing assisted suicide.
Analyzing the latest information from Gallup
The poll shows 71% of Americans favor giving doctors the OK to end the life of a patient suffering from an incurable medical condition. However, there are caveats to this. This support for euthanasia is conditional upon the patient seeking out this form of care and the care being administered in a painless manner.