NYT and Siena College found that over 60% of people who voted for Biden during the last race agree with the argument that he’s too old to effectively operate as president. 59% of Americans who confirmed plans to vote in this year’s election furthermore believe Biden’s gotten too old for the job.
The numbers get even grimmer for the president upon expanding beyond his 2020 supporters. Across the board, 73% of the US electorate – including 56% of Democratic voters – views Biden’s age as an impediment to his service in the White House.
Little concern about the polls from Biden’s camp?
Throughout the president’s current tenure in office, he’s publicly shrugged off polls that showed disagreement or dissatisfaction with his leadership. Heading into the general election, it would appear that Biden and his team are reenacting this approach.
Widespread concerns about President Biden’s age pose a deepening threat to his re-election bid, with a majority of voters who supported him in 2020 now saying he is too old to lead the country effectively, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll. https://t.co/e9dmHzdn0I
— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 3, 2024
Meanwhile, Democrats like Rep. Dean Phillips remain considerably less confident in the president’s ability to beat Trump a second time. Amid citing numerous polls that aren’t great for Biden, Phillips warns his party is on track to losing the White House.