New York Gov. Cuomo Signs Red Flag Bill to Prevent Gun Violence


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law legislation to prevent the mentally ill or other potentially dangerous individuals from possessing or purchasing a gun.

On Monday, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined Cuomo during the signing ceremony of the Red Flag Bill also known as the Extreme Protection Order Bill.

The newly-enacted law also empowers teachers and school administrations pursue court intervention to prevent potential gun violence. The Red Flag Bill will ensure that the school shooting in Parkland, Florida will not happen again. In that incident, multiple sources reported that the shooter was disturbed and dangerous, but he was able to purchase firearms.

In a statement, Cuomo said, “The United States loses more people to gun deaths than most developed nations. The first year of President Trump’s administration, we lost 40,000 people to gun deaths – the highest number in 50 years. New York led the way by passing the strongest gun safety laws in the nation, but more must be done to end this carnage.”

Red Flag Bill doesn’t infringe people’s rights

In addition, the governor emphasized that the Red Flag Bill will save lives without infringing a person’s rights.