Opinion: Give Sean Spicer a Break


Nobody with any sense at all could have concluded that Spicer was elevating the evil of Assad over that of Hitler. It was merely an anecdotal reference for effect that Assad is truly evil. Almost immediately, the liberal Democrats lead by Nancy Pelosi condemned the reference and began their typical pandering of the Jewish vote to remind the world that Hitler while may not have used Mustard Gas on his battlefield foes, he was quite comfortable using the same in Concentration Camps in his efforts of genocide toward the Jews.

Pandering based on the horrific loss of lives is not new to politics, but Pelosi seems to do it so effortlessly, we felt compelled to recognize her here. However, those wishing to pander to one population for political points might want to check all their facts before they rush out. War and evil are complicated, and in today’s world of Universal American Victimness, it’s a dangerous approach. Spicer was factually wrong in that Hitler deployed tactics so far beyond chemical weapons, the world still finds his deeds and those done on his behalf unfathomable, but his point again was NOT to defend Hitler, but to condemn Assad.