OPINION: Joe Biden’s Verbal Abuse Towards Voters is Undignified, Deplorable


This month alone has served as quite a turning point for 2020 Democrat Joe Biden. Once the former frontrunner of the Democrat field, the former vice president has yet to secure a win in a single caucus or primary. Granted, these elections are just getting started; however, Biden’s poor performance is undoubtedly linked to his treatment of voters.

Time and time again, the former vice president has come under fire for verbally abusing voters who challenge him. This type of verbal abuse is absolutely disgusting and indicative of why Biden lacks the mental and emotional temperament to serve as president.

A Deep Analysis of Biden’s Verbal Abuse

The 2020 Democrat’s verbal abuse tends to surface when faced with challenges on the campaign trail. Biden has no issues with talking, or rather mumbling, at town halls; he also doesn’t seem to mind answering questions that don’t place an uncomfortable spotlight on himself. However, when Biden is put on the spot or made to face some tough realities, his hidden dark side emerges.

“Go Vote for Someone Else!”

Last month, an Iowa man approached the former vice president about climate change. When speaking with Biden, the Iowan voter stated that he wouldn’t necessarily vote for Biden in the primaries, but in the general election if Biden “treats [him] right.”