Additional poll findings reveal a staggering 86% of Americans agree the GOP and Democrat Party care more about trading blows with one another than finding solutions to problems.
On a similar note, 85% agreed that our nation’s political system remains too heavily influenced by different lobbyists and special interest groups.
28% of US citizens then told Pew Research Center they disfavor both of America’s major political parties. 25% even agreed that both Republicans and Democrats do a poor job of representing them.
Finally, almost 70% of Americans said they believe political bias continues to permeate the US news media.
The bottom line
The sobering findings from this latest poll send a very clear message. Most Americans feel underrepresented by the current political system. They also think the system isn’t working for them and instead prioritizes other matters.
Every time an election comes around, leaders on both sides of the aisle vow to turn things around. Virtually every politician insists that electing them will ensure everyday Americans have a fighter for them in office.