President Trump Affirms His “Stable Genius” Status


President Trump’s adversaries continue to cite his tweets as evidence of his supposed lack of mental fitness. Many mainstream media publications have also jumped on this bandwagon and are no longer attempting to remain neutral. Earlier today, the New York Times slammed President Trump as “self-absorbed,” “impulsive,” and “lacking empathy.” The aforesaid accusations and others like them have greatly contributed to what is now known as “fake news.” Many conservatives and Trump supporters furthermore routinely criticize outlets like the New York Times for bias and refusal to report equitably.

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What Do Americans Think of the “Stable Genius” Tweets?

The President’s “stable genius” tweets are currently being analyzed and discussed by the country. “#StableGenius” is trending on Twitter and nearly every media outlet is covering the tweets.

As America continues to offer their take on President Trump’s tweets, reporters have also asked the President to divulge into further details. He gave the following remarks earlier today during a press conference at Camp David: