Twitter: We Won’t “Block World Leaders”

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Despite many appeals for Twitter to censor world leaders, the social media platform has affirmed that it’s not going to happen, as noted by Fox News.

Twitter on World Leaders

Yesterday, Twitter released a public statement on their blog, regarding calls for them to remove the accounts of certain “world leaders.” Notable excerpts read as follows:

Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets would hide important information people should be able to see and debate. It would also not silence that leader, but it would certainly hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions.

We review Tweets by leaders within the political context that defines them, and enforce our rules accordingly.

Twitter’s declarations come after many of President Trump’s critics have called upon the social network to remove his account. They moreover maintain that the President’s tweets are abusive and fall into the category of bullying. However, President Trump’s supporters think otherwise. They believe he is effectively using Twitter as a platform to get his message out to Americans. Many conservatives have also criticized what they view as misleading, dishonest press, commonly dubbed as “fake news.”