Does President Trump Regret Hiring Jeff Sessions?


A considerable amount of Americans interpreted President’s remarks as an indirect request for Sessions’ resignation. Talk about whether or not the latter will be fired has already surfaced.

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Sessions seemingly recused himself from the Russia investigation because, by his own admission, he met with Russian executives during the 2016 Presidential election.

The President is not the only person who has a poor opinion of Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul took to Twitter to voice his agreement with President Trump, stating that Sessions’ recusal should not have happened.

Quite frankly, Sessions should resign. Loyalty to President Trump is clearly not his strong suit and he did not help his case by passing an order that allows asset forfeiture of American citizens who have not committed crimes. At this point in time where President Trump has so many people working to sabotage and undermine him, he needs people in his cabinet that will support him and not scamper away at the sight of challenges or difficulties.