Prosecutor Threatens Death Sentence for an Innocent Man

Photo from the crime scene showing car stereo intact

It should be noted that photos of the crime scene have revealed that the stereo unit itself was still in the car, though the rear speakers had been removed. And the location of Jeremy Scott’s fingerprints was not in agreement with his testimony.

Refusing to acknowledge recent findings, Avalon discusses the results of a 2010 hearing in which Judge Keith Spoto stated that “There was no evidence that Mr. Scott had any connection to the victim as a friend, acquaintance or in any other capacity.”

It is common knowledge, however, to those familiar with the case that Jeremy Scott and Michelle Schofield did, in fact, know each other and were in the same group of friends prior to Michelle marrying Leo.

Regarding the same 2010 trial, Avalon suggests that Jeremy Scott’s violent background and criminal history are inadmissible, but discusses allegations of domestic violence transpiring between Leo and Michelle prior to her death.