Retail Stores Reducing Hours in Wake of Coronavirus


Coronavirus and its spread continue to have massive, global consequences across virtually all aspects of human life. As various governments around the world work overtime in the attempts to stop COVID-19, a lot of serious measures are underway or pending.

Here in America, retail stores are reducing their amount of open hours. This development arrived after countless Americans bought out entire orders of toilet paper and other essentials. Since this behavior, President Trump and health officials have urged against hoarding; moreover, stores are now placing limits on how much of certain items customers can purchase at one time.

As retail stores cut back on their hours, they are also providing special times exclusively for the elderly to shop.

What to Know About Retail Store Changes in America

Fewer open hours to the public allows retail stores to not only restock their merchandise, but also clean the premises. Due to the nature of shopping and its inherent necessity, stores have a tendency to fill up pretty rapidly. In a situation where the contagious spread of coronavirus is an issue, retailers are being as cautious as possible.