Robotic Iron Man exosuit created for GM workers has a hidden feature


Some sensors monitor the worker’s actions at all times while at the General Motors factory.  The sensor capability will indicate if the individual worker is “slacking off” during their shift. From the view of management, this will help with efficiency.

The Chinese company highly regards the sensor and claims that  “social responsibility” and “labor protection” will be the top priorities of the feature.  But from a US worker’s perspective being physically tracked and monitored to make sure you are working hard may create some legal challenges downstream.

Exosuits are not a new concept 

The Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) industry is just coming of age. Engineers have been working on “wearable robots” since 1965 when the US Army and Navy gave General Electric the “go ahead” to develop the Hardiman, an oversized, full-body exoskeleton created to amplify its user’s strength, up to 25 times.

Robotic suits became were developed with healthcare applications in around 2000. Some of the first uses include gait rehabilitation for spinal cord and stroke patients.