In an electrifying turn of events reminiscent of a cinematic courtroom drama, Ropes & Gray LLP has found itself thrust under the judicial spotlight. The revered law firm is now under the command of Delaware’s Chancery Court to unveil certain documents that could potentially lay bare some murky corporate dealings.
Ropes & Gray : Enhabit vs. Private Equity Titans
Central to this high-octane legal tussle is Enhabit Inc.’s accusations against two private equity behemoths – Nautic Partners LLC and The Vistria Group LP. These companies, according to court documents, allegedly conspired to “steal” invaluable employees and opportunities from Enhabit, working closely with Enhabit’s then-CEO, April K. Anthony, to craft a new venture named VitalCaring Group.
This intrigue began in 2020 when whispers of an acquisition of ‘Encompass’ (now known as Enhabit) were heard but subsequently fizzled out. Instead, the waters took a tumultuous turn when the parties pivoted to establish the new venture, despite Anthony being shackled by a non-compete clause at her employment with Enhabit.