Superman Action Comics #1 sells for record-breaking $3.25 million


The original Superman was a bald madman who used telepathic abilities for evil purposes. The “evil” Superman also appeared in the 1933 Siegel and Shuster written “Science Fiction.”

Siegel then changed history when he asked Shuster, “What if this Superman was a force for good instead of evil?” Siegel and Shuster collaborated on the new Superman character, (also known as Kal-El and Clark Kent).

In Action Comics #1, readers first learn about the origins of Superman. It describes how he came to Earth from another planet. And became the Earth’s first superhero.

Zurzolo says that while hundreds of thousands of copies were initially published and released, it’s estimated only about 100 still exist today. And they are in a wide variety of conditions. He also claims the recently sold copy is in pristine condition.

Zurzolo hosts the radio show “There’s no comic book that you could value higher in terms of a comic book than Action Comics #1,” he said.

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