Teen born in a Texas Prison now Harvard Bound!


Sky Castner, 18, of Montgomery County, was born in the Galveston County Jail, where her mother was incarcerated at the time of her birth. After graduating 3rd in her class, she is currently Harvard bound.

Castner is defying the odds and inspiring others with her remarkable journey, including being born in prison and accepted into Harvard University. 

Despite her challenging upbringing, Castner always had the determination to succeed. The guidance of her mentor, Mona Hamby has made a big difference. And propelled her to focus on academic excellence.

Her story began in Galveston County Jail, where she was born. She lived with her father who raised her as a single parent.

Her journey to Harvard began with a powerful opening line in her application letter: “I was born in prison.” With the assistance of a professor from Boston University, Castner crafted a compelling narrative that reflected her resilience and potential.

Mentors helped make her Harvard Bound 

“I was given a paper about her. Her hero was Rosa Parks, her favorite food was tacos from Dairy Queen, and she loved to read. I thought this sounds like a bright little girl,” recalled Hamby, her mentor since elementary school.