Tesla market cap hits $1 trillion after Hertz orders100K electric vehicles


“The strong performance of the Model 3 is in part explained by Tesla’s intensive end-of-quarter sales push. September has historically been a strong month for the US manufacturer’s registration results in Europe, on average accounting for 68% of its third-quarter deliveries since 2018. Last month, registrations accounted for 74% of third-quarter volume,” according to Jato Dynamics.

Additionally, Jato Dynamics also noted that Tesla’s Model Y also “performed well” since entering the European market. Model Y secured the second spot in the BEV ranking.

Jato Dynamics stated, “Due to the success of these two models, Tesla leads the BEV market with a share of 24%, ahead of the Volkswagen Group with 22%, Stellantis with 13%, and Hyundai-Kia with almost 11%. Tesla also registered more new cars than established brands including Fiat, Nissan or Seat.”


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