The Main Takeaways From Biden’s News Conference


“The border crisis is not just seasonal. CBP is tracking the largest surge in apprehensions in 20 years. Unaccompanied children are piling up in close quarters,” McConnell tweeted. “It turns out

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when politicians spend a two-year campaign advertising a porous border and amnesty, people listen.”

McCarthy, too, criticized Mr. Biden’s remarks on the border. 

“‘ It happens every single solitary year,'” McCarthy tweeted, channeling the president. “President Biden claimed the dramatic increase in migrants flooding our southern border is totally normal for this time of year. 

News conference ends with no questions on COVID-19, economy or jobs

The unemployment rate is more than 6%. However, although the United States going through one of the severest economic contractions in its history, Biden’s conference ended with no questions about jobs, economy, or COVID-19. This comes in a period of time when jobs and the economy are the most important subjects that Americans are talking about. 

Ironically, Biden focused on the vaccine roll-out and doubling doses to 200 million and his new goals for vaccinating citizens in his first 100 days. 

Biden vaccination plans will be revealed in Pittsburgh on Friday

Pres. Biden explained that will be sharing details of his vaccine infrastructure initiative in Pittsburgh on Friday. He added that a “majority of the American people” are disappointed with the current U.S. infrastructure.