Sahil Mehta, a millennial who is just 25 years old. However, the young entrepreneur works as a full-time executive assistant for a real estate agent at Golden Gate Sotheby’s in Berkeley, California managing and closing sales for the company. Mehta works for the company which owns five properties worth $9.4 million around Berkeley, four of which they rent to college students.
Mehta started his career at a young age and currently earns half a million dollars per year. The entrepreneur’s earnings come from commissions that he earns when he helps sell or rent the company’s properties.
In his University years in 2015, Mehta was able to save 99% of his commissions. The businessman shared rent with his brother and was able to buy his first house by the time he graduated in 2017.
“I fell into this career that I knew had a lot of flexibility,” says Mehta. “I could get out what I put in. And anything I do … I try to give it 110%. I went through several low moments where I was making nearly nothing to get to where I am today,” he says. “I feel so fortunate to be where I am.” He told CNBC Make it.