On the other hand, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer remained firm in their position—open up the government first and then discuss funding for border security. Earlier this month, Pelosi made it clear that there will be no money for the wall in any legislation to end the shutdown.
Trump’s decision to temporary open the government without getting his demand is a victory for Democrats.
Trump warns shutdown will happen again if he doesn’t get a fair deal for the wall
The President explained that he made his decision because “Democrats and Republicans are “willing to put partisanship aside” and “put the security of the American people first.”
However, he also warned, “If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress; the government will either shutdown on February 15 again or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitutions of the United States to address this emergency. We will have great security.”
When asked about the possibility that Congress passes legislation without border wall funding, Trump responded, “I have other alternatives if I have to…But we want to go through the system. We have to have a wall in this country.