Trump issues executive order forcing ByteDance to divest TikTok shares


Reports of TikTok tracking users has led to congressional inquiries, where senators have asked the Federal Trade Commission to look into claims of TikTok manipulating stored user data.

In the grand scheme of things, Trump’s newest order s

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hows a softening in stance, giving ByteDance an additional chunk of time to divest themselves of the U.S. division.

It remains to be seen whether Microsoft will be able to clench a deal with ByteDance on acquiring the entirety of the TikTok brand, estimated to be worth $30 billion with potential for future growth as advertising initiatives have been introduced to the app.

Furthermore, a TikTok ban poses interesting questions ahead of November elections. For the most part, TikTok is popular with younger users. Trump’s decision to ban the app could affect support from younger voters.


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