Trump now leading Biden in Florida poll


In the 2020 presidential election, polls have played a significant role in political conversations.

Many Democrats have eagerly drawn attention to polls that show Biden ahead of Trump in various states and among certain demographics. Trump supporters, on the other hand, continue to point out that polls and election outcomes are not always aligned with one another.

However, as time passes, and as both presidential candidates are duking it out, polls are changing. A new survey from Trafalgar Group shows that President Trump now has an over three-point lead on Biden in Florida.

What to know about the Trafalgar Group poll

Florida is a critical swing state in the 2020 presidential election. Per Trafalgar Group, the president is leading in the Sunshine State at 48.7% while the former vice president comes in at just 45.6%.

Trump’s lead in Florida comes roughly one week after the Republican National Convention. During the time of the convention, the president received a several point approval shift from black and Hispanic voters.