Trump slams Atlantic co-owner Steve Jobs’ widow for ‘wasting money’


It has been reported that Powell Jobs plays an inactive role at the magazine, leaving day-to-day operations to staff and rarely being seen at Atlantic offices.

Trump’s spat with Powell Jobs follows a series of tweets over the course of the weekend targeting Atlantic reporter Jeffrey Goldberg, who wrote the story, and Fox News Channel’s Jennifer Griffin, who utilized her own anonymous sources to support the Atlantic’s report.

“Jennifer Griffin should be fired for this kind of reporting. Never even called us for comment. @FoxNews is gone!”, Trump said in a late Friday tweet.

Griffin has supported Goldberg’s claim that Trump refused to visit a military cemetery during a France trip because of weather concerns. According to Griffin, an anonymous official with close ties to the Trump administration claims Trump called the Vietnam War a ‘stupid war’ and ‘anyone who went was sucker’.

The White House continues to vehemently deny Goldberg and Griffin’s claims.
