Trump’s Condolence Call Feud Escalates


General Kelly gave an impassioned defense of President Trump’s behavior.

General Kelly vs. Congresswoman Wilson

Things took a nasty turn today between Congresswoman Wilson and General Kelly. Yesterday, Kelly claimed that Wilson used a 2015 dedication of a federal building to claim credit for securing its funding in 2009. Kelly said in a press conference that “we were stunned — stunned that she’d done it,” referring to the her supposed taking credit for the dedication.

Congresswoman Wilson (second from left) at the building dedication ceremony in 2015. Trump.
Congresswoman Wilson (second from left) at the building dedication ceremony in 2015.

Wilson pushed back. Going on CNN, she accused Kelly of flat-out lying. “He can’t just go on TV and lie on me,” Wilson said while on CNN, adding “how dare he.” Congresswoman Wilson was not in Congress at that time in 2009. A video of the event otherwise about her taking credit. She took credit for her efforts to have the building named after two deceased FBI agents, not for its funding.